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Jesper Juul近期在博客中对Ian Bogost和Aki Järvinen的争论做出的回应表明,传统游戏玩家和设计师对社交游戏普遍抱有消极的看法。博文部分内容如下:“要点在于:玩家对社交游戏的偏见与当年对视频游戏的普遍偏见无异。在视频游戏行业中,我们花了数十年时间让视频游戏变得更受人待见,但现在玩家对社交游戏的轻视却使我们再次产生那种感觉。我们可以将社交游戏视为当年的视频游戏。”


hardcore-gamers(from bbgsite.com)

hardcore-gamers(from bbgsite.com)



对于媒体历史研究者而言,所有这些都并非惊奇之事。Marshall McLuhan在与我的交谈中表示,某种媒介中展开交际的人会以老式媒体为标准来构想和评估新媒体。因而,他们时常会觉得新媒介同老媒介相比存在缺点。但是新媒介比老媒介的突出之处在于某些仍未制作完成的层面上,因而这些层面当时不会进入公众的认知领域中,结果只能自行进行评估。早期电影固然不如当代影院,但这与电影的复杂性并无本质联系,今天任何人也都不会通过影院优劣来评价电影的质量,因为电影本就可以脱离影院先行发展。

不仅新媒体面临此等状况,媒介新形式也是如此。看看过去50年来电视题材发生的巨大变革,新形式经常被视为《西方的没落》中的标志,包括音乐电视《Date My Mom》和HBO(游戏邦注:美国有线电视网络媒体公司)的《The Wire》。


在Juul的博文中,他将玩家对社交游戏表现出的偏见与臭名昭著的美国反游戏行为主义者Jack Thompson相比,或许还参考了Frederic Wertham的作品《Seduction of the Innocent》(游戏邦注:本书旨在讨伐美国漫画界)。漫画粉丝在面对大量涌入的印刷漫画以及那些漫画店新顾客时有着极为相似的反应。


游戏邦注:本文发稿于2010年9月3日,所涉时间、事件和数据均以此为准。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,作者:Sebastian Deterding)

History Repeating: or Why Gamers Despise Social Games

Sebastian Deterding

In a recent blog post, Jesper Juul reflected on how the media echo of a debate between Ian Bogost and Aki Järvinen was symptomatic for the generally negative reception of social games among ‘traditional’ gamers and game designers: “Here is the point: Gamer prejudices against social games are verbatim copies of general prejudices against video games. Within video game culture, we have spent decades trying to make video games respectable, but now we are simply taking the prejudices against us, and regurgitating them at a new form of video game, looking down on social games the way that culture at large has been looking down on video games. We have made social games into the video games of video games.”

I think Juul makes a valid point here. But as some commentators of his post have pointed out, rather then merely falling for defensive reflexes, we should try and understand why we see this regurgitating of prejudices. And for that, I believe, we need to contextualise Juul’s observation within a larger historical frame.

Just a couple of weeks ago, I had a vivid first-hand experience of the “gamer prejudices” against social games Juul describes. Speaking at a seminar of fledgling game designers in Berlin, once I so much as mentioned the word FarmVille, I was stunned by an immediate, intense aversive gut reaction (and ensuing half-hour debate) of my audience. I almost had to laugh out loud when a student said: “One day, it might go so far as to us having to design social games <grimaces with disgust> instead of real games!” What amused me was not the obviously heart-felt sentiment. No, it was the fact that I had heard that exact phrase before, when, back in another life, I had to deal with print journalists. Quote: “One day, it might go so far as to us having to write for online instead of real journalism!”

And it’s not just (online) journalism. In my ethnographic research on the German roleplaying subculture, I observed the same reaction when online roleplaying games made their appearance and quickly surpassed pen-and-paper games in mass appeal in the beginning of the 2000s. Roleplayers scowled at early MMORPGs like EverQuest with pretty much the same arguments video gamers now bring forward against social games: They would lack the depth and complexity, creativity and freedom, expressive and emotional nuance of roleplay ‘proper’, and seduce and exploit the young who haven’t developed any judgement or taste yet.

Sense a pattern yet?

To a media historian, all of this comes hardly as a surprise. Speaking with Marshall McLuhan, people socialised within the world of one medium are prone to conceive and evaluate new media in terms of the old one. Hence they often see the new medium as somehow lacking compared to the old, when indeed the new one is transcending the old towards a form that is still in the making, that is not at their cognitive disposal – and ultimately, that will have to be evaluated on its own terms. Certainly, the earliest movies were inferior to the sophistication of then-contemporary theater. But that says nothing about the sophistication possible in movies; nor would anyone today judge the quality of a movie by asking how good a theater play it is, because movies can and do do things differently than theater plays.

And this is not only true for new media, but also for new forms within a given medium – just think of the tremendous evolution of TV genres over the last fifty years, and how new formats were regularly framed as final signs for the Decline of the West. Granted, there’s MTV’s Date My Mom. But also HBO’s The Wire.

My point is that just because the professional and fan communities of one (formerly new) medium like video games grew up with ‘their’ medium being stigmatised and prejudiced by mainstream culture doesn’t make them immune against this pattern of media history. They can help it as little as television watchers and movigoers could when they were confronted with video games, or book and newspaper readers when they first encountered comics.

In his post, Juul compares the prejudices displayed by gamers towards social games to notorious US anti-games activist Jack Thompson, but he might as well have compared them to Frederic Wertham’s classic Seduction of the Innocent. Comic fans reacted in very much the same fashion when they were faced with the influx of printed manga and the different audience it drove to ‘their’ comic shop turf – at least in Germany.

As with other media before, the interesting thing about social games is not how well they will be able to ‘measure up’ with traditional video games. But how, looking back in a few years from now, they will have become a background against which our understanding of traditional games and indeed, the very concept of “video game” might have changed. (Source: Social Game Studies)

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