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英文:Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation is Changing Your World HC by Don Tapscott (Hardcover - Oct 3, 2008)



  《在数字时代成人:网络一代如何改变你的世界》(Grown Up Digital:HOW the Net Generation is Changing Your World)(作者唐?塔普斯科特)获得《经济学家》2008年度最佳图书。一位管理学权威解释了为什么网络一代(一边打游戏上网一边长大成人的那些人)并不像许多人以为的那样一无是处,而是通过网络经历在确实提升自己。

“Once again, Don Tapscott has captured a piece of the zeitgeist. Grown Up Digital demonstrates the world-changing power of the Net Generation and the way they are rethinking everything, from education to home life to citizen participation. If you want to understand their impact, read this book.”
—Eric Schmidt, CEO, Google

“A decade ago Don Tapscott recognized that the kids growing up online were different,and that speaking digital as a first language was the key competitive skill ofour age. Now that generation has grown up and Tapscott has followed them intothe workplace and the world, where those skills are playing out in surprising ways.This is a rich and data-packed atlas of that generation.”- Chris Anderson, Editor in Chief, Wired

“To be sustainable, a knowledge economy needs highly educated, skilled workers.More than man power, we need workers with mindpower. The no. 1 challenge weface as leaders in business, government, education, and the community is educatingand engaging our kids. Tapscott makes a well-reasoned, persuasive case for how to harness the Net Gen. Every educator and manager should read this book.”—Jim Goodnight, CEO, SAS

“No one knows the digital generation and its impact on society better than Don Tapscott. Grown Up Digital is a fresh look at a global phenomenon that has been brewing for over 15 years. As a demographer, marketer, and social observer, Don brings the net generation to life and equips the reader with practical advice on how to cope with a world gone digital.”
—Brian Fetherstonhaugh, Chairman & CEO, OgilvyOne Worldwide

“Only those who understand the new paradigms as described in the latest book by Don Tapscott will not be displaced as individuals or businesses in the world of tomorrow.”

—Klaus Schwab, Founder & Executive Chairman,
World Economic Forum

“Don Tapscott is always relevant, always fresh. His new book, Grown Up Digital, adds depth and insight to an important issue impacting talent and leadership in the hyper-connected world of today, and tomorrow,”
—Kevin Kelly, CEO, Heidrick& Struggles

“Don Tapscott delivers insights. As usually is the case, these insights reflect the world around us in ways we possibly should see but perhaps don’t. As a business leader and as a father of young adults, I see Grown Up Digital as a collection of insights that contain tremendous value to understanding how this generation will impact the world and our future.”
—Michael McCain, CEO, Maple Leaf Foods

“Don Tapscott offers compelling insight into how the Net Generation is changing
the nature of work, culture, and government and what that means for anyone
who wants to engage them. Grown Up Digital is both a comprehensive
guide to understanding the world of Web 2.0 and to unleashing the power of
Talent 2.0.”

—Tammy Johns, SVP, Global Workforce Strategy, Manpower Inc.

“Understanding the expectations and motivations of the next generation is a
critical challenge for all businesses. Don Tapscott’s latest book is fascinating
and entertaining for parents and educators, but it is a must-read for business
leaders who have much to gain from understanding this important and different

—Gordon Nixon, President & CEO, RBC

“Don’s book is like the firm nudge with a cold steel pointer from a teacher who
catches you looking out the window. Tapscott explains that success is not about
the control and authority we grant ourselves to “empower people”—it’s all
about genuine understanding and creating an environment where people can
and will choose to motivate themselves.”

—Bill McEwan, President & CEO, Sobeys Inc.

“For anyone leading a talent-based organization, Grown Up Digital is an essential
read. The Net Generation is transforming the way we work, learn, play, and
communicate and redefining how organizations recruit, train, motivate, collaborate,
and innovate. A revolution in how we live and work is upon us. This generation
is the one to watch and learn from.”

—Bill Green, Chairman & CEO, Accenture

“Today’s workforce is no longer one size that fits all, which leaves employers
across all industries in a serious state of peril. Employers need to recognize and
adapt to the rapidly changing world of work, channeling the motivations that
different generations bring to their workforce. Don Tapscott has not only
grasped the subject, but he is uniquely positioned to offer real advice on how to
address these changes.”

—Jeffrey A. Joerres, Chairman & CEO, Manpower Inc.

“Don Tapscott nails it. Grown Up Digital provides a guided tour of how the pioneering
Net Generation is changing the way we all live, work, and play in a
global creative economy. A must-read.”

—Richard Florida, author, Who’s Your City? and The Rise of the Creative Class

“Don Tapscott delivers an insightful and practical book for anyone seeking to better understand, appreciate, and unlock the full potential of today’s youth. Backed by comprehensive research, Grown Up Digital debunks popular myths and reveals the norms and motivations of a generation poised to transform business, education, government, and society.”
-James Quigley, CEO, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

“Don captures learnings and statistics about the Net Generation that are on target. Net Geners are coming into the world and workplace now. Moreover, as a parent, I read with recognition yet found it amazing that some of the things I’ve experienced were captured on a page. Don’s realizations in Grown Up Digital are highly relevant and must be brought to a broader audience.”
-Ann Purr, Second Vice President, Information Management, LOMA

“In Grown Up Digital, Tapscott tells us how the Net Generation is creating our future and why their opinions count. He uniquely shows how to harvest the big contributions this generation has to offer.”
-Fred Smith, President & CEO, FedEx

“No one has been a more informed commentator on the transformative impact of the digital age than Don Tapscott. Grown Up Digital reveals the impact that youthful empowered employees, customers, and citizens are having and will have on our daily lives. It is profound.”
-Brad Anderson, CEO, Best Buy Inc.

“In Grown Up Digital, Don Tapscott portrays eloquently and in rich color the massive impact that The Net Generation—those born between 1997and 1997, 80 million in the U.S. alone, will have on the future of society and the economy. He accomplishes this with his usual acumen, deftness, depth, and good humor.”
-Bill Dimma, former senior executive and director of 55 companies over 45 years

“Don Tapscott provides an exciting roadmap to surviving and thriving in the Connected Era.”
-Michael Dell, CEO, Dell

“Ignore the deep insights in Grown Up Digital and you risk becoming an irrelevant leader for next generation employees. Tapscott’s optimism for youth is infectious and inspirational.”
-Kal Patel, Executive Vice President, Emerging Business, Best Buy Inc.

“Grown Up Digital is the first guide to the land of the Net Generation that should be read both by visitors and residents alike. Tapscott’s latest work follows Growing Up Digital with lockstep obedience and shows all signs of being as prescient and relevant.”
-Nicholas Negroponte, Founder & Chairman, One Laptop Per Child

“Grown Up Digital is a brilliant and insightful perspective on the dawning of the ‘n-Gen’ era. This new era will be characterized by enterprises and organizations of all types shifting and adapting their structures, style, and business models to thrive on collaboration. In a sense, the enterprise itself must now grow up digital so it can successfully build the foundation for the next few decades of leaders and employees- the n-Gen’ers.”

- Steve Papermaster, CEO, nGenera

“Grown Up Digital is a must read for baby boomers and virtually anyone else born before 1977. As Mr. Tapscott observes, ‘The bottom line is this: if you understand the Net Generation, you will understand the future.’ And as my son often reminds me, the future is now.”

- The New York Times


  唐泰普斯科特:全球著名的新经济学家和商业策略大师,被誉为“数字经济之父”。他于1992年创办了新范式(New Paradigm)智库,研究突破性技术在生产率、商业效能、竞争力等方面的商业应用。他也是世界最受追捧的商业演讲人之一,《财富》500强企业中超过半数的CEO们,曾聆听过他的演讲。其中包括许多重要人物,如美国前总统克林顿、IBM总裁郭士纳、微软前总裁鲍尔默、Google公司CEO施密特等等。他的著作包括畅销书《数字经济蓝图》、《范式的转变》、《数字化经济:全球网络生活新模式》、《数字化成长:网络时代的生活主张》、《赤裸的公司: 透明化时代将如何推进企业变革》、《维基经济学》等。

Don Tapscott is one of the world’s leading authorities on business strategy, with emphasis on how information technology changes business, government and society.  He is the author or co-author of 13 widely read books, including Wikinomics, which was the best selling management book in the United States in 2007 and is now translated into 22 languages. He is Chairman of nGenera Insight, a global business innovation company, headquartered in Austin, Texas with offices in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. Don directs several of nGenera Insight’s research and education programs, which serve a marquee list of Global 2000 customers. Tapscott is also an adjunct Professor at the J.L. Rotman School of Business at the University of Toronto.



1、Planning for Integrated Office Systems: A Strategic Approach (1984) with Del Henderson and Morley Greenberg
2、Office Automation: A User-Driven Method (1985) with Del Henderson and Morley Greenbergoiip The New Promise of Information Technology (1992) with Art Caston
3、Growing Up Digital: The Rise of the Net Generation (1996)
4、Who Knows: Safeguarding Your Privacy in a Networked World (1996) with Ann Cavoukian
5、The Digital Economy: Promise and Peril In The Age of Networked Intelligence (1997)
6、Blueprint to the Digital Economy: Creating Wealth in the Era of E-Business (1999) With David Ticoll and Alex Lowy
7、Creating Value in the Network Economy (1999)
8、Digital Capital: Harnessing the Power of Business Webs (2000) with David Ticoll and Alex Lowy
9、The Naked Corporation: How the Age of Transparency Will Revolutionize Business (2003) with David Ticoll
10、Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything (2006) with Anthony D. Williams
Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation is Changing Your World (2008)


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