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  • 更新时间: 2013-01-20


微博侠 数字营销2011年度总结 政务微博元年 2011微博十大事件 美国十大创业孵化器 盘点美国导师型创业孵化器 盘点导师型创业孵化器 TechStars 智能电视大战前夜 竞争型国企 公益型国企 2011央视经济年度人物 Rhianna Pratchett 莱恩娜·普莱契 Zynga与Facebook关系 Zynga盈利危机 2010年手机社交游戏行业分析报告 游戏奖励 主流手机游戏公司运营表现 主流手机游戏公司运营对比数据 创建游戏原型 正反馈现象 易用性设计增强游戏体验 易用性设计 《The Sims Social》社交亮 心理生理学与游戏 Kixeye Storm8 Storm8公司 女性玩家营销策略 休闲游戏的创新性 游戏运营的数据分析 社交游戏分析学常见术语 游戏运营数据解析 iPad风行美国校园 iPad终结传统教科书 游戏平衡性 成长类型及情感元素 鸿蒙国际 云骗钱 2011年政务微博报告 《2011年政务微博报告》 方正产业图谱 方正改制考 通信企业属公益型国企 善用玩家作弊行为 手机游戏传播 每用户平均收入 ARPU值 ARPU 游戏授权三面观 游戏设计所运用的化学原理 iOS应用人性化界面设计原则 硬核游戏 硬核社交游戏 生物测量法研究玩家 全球移动用户 用户研究三部曲 Tagged转型故事 Tagged Instagram火爆的3大原因 全球第四大社交网络Badoo Badoo 2011年最迅猛的20大创业公司 病毒式传播功能支持的游戏设计 病毒式传播功能 美国社交游戏虚拟商品收益 Flipboard改变阅读 盘点10大最难iPhone游戏 移动应用设计7大主流趋势 成功的设计文件十个要点 游戏设计文件 应用内置付费功能 内置付费功能 IAP功能 IAP IAP模式 游戏易用性测试 生理心理游戏评估 游戏化游戏 全美社交游戏规模 美国社交游戏市场 全球平板电脑出货量 Facebook虚拟商品收益 Facebook全球广告营收 Facebook广告营收 失败游戏设计的数宗罪名 休闲游戏设计要点 玩游戏可提高认知能力 玩游戏与认知能力 全球游戏广告 独立开发者提高工作效率的100个要点 Facebook亚洲用户 免费游戏的10种创收模式 人类大脑可下载 2012年最值得期待的20位硅谷企业家 做空中概股的幕后黑手 做空中概股幕后黑手 苹果2013营收 Playfish社交游戏架构

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CES 2013_logo(from thorens.com)

CES 2013_logo(from thorens.com)


然而,今年我们目睹了大量主流游戏产品席卷整个展前新闻发布会。无论是Nividia的Project Shield这款掌上游戏机,GRID公司的云端流媒体服务器,GeForce Experience的优化软件,还是Valve与Xi3针对Steam合作开发,可以在客厅享受的基于PC模式的Big Picture Mode,总之,今年的CES展会对游戏行业而言将具有非凡意义。如果留意展会上媒体的表现与用户的反应,我们不难发现,游戏硬件制造商在此将获得比前几年更多的关注度与反响。

即便是那些不以游戏中心产品为重点的公司也做出承诺,其新配件将更关注游戏性能。游戏也是英特尔每项新品的配套功能之一,无论是瞄准新兴市场(与游戏市场)的新型Atom智能手机处理器,还是芯片制造商第三代与第四代酷睿系列的低耗能平板电脑与超级本处理器。为了展示高通公司全新Snapdragon 800系列的强大性能,其首席执行官Paul Jacobs展示了借其体验高品质3D游戏的模式。LG与Vizio也带来了他们内置谷歌TV的新型高清电视机,它支持包括OnLive在内的流媒体游戏客户端。

nvidia-project-shield(from androidandme.com)

nvidia-project-shield(from androidandme.com)




然而,就在我们继续等待微软和索尼带给我们全新系统,同时期待任天堂的Wii U让我们兴奋之时,我们也对其它比当代游戏主机进化更快的游戏、设备、平台以及系统投入更多金钱和精力。从情感上看,我们越发习惯主流之外平台上那些显著、有趣且迷人的游戏。换言之,我们之所以对这些新发布产品感兴趣,是因为我们本身已经做好接受它们的准备。



如果要总结2013 CES展会,那便是游戏硬件市场的准入门槛去以往更低:处理器制作成本更加低廉,移动带宽速度加快,且覆盖面变广,而触摸屏、加速计与GPS接收机等专门组件更具实效性,开源操作系统更具活力。现在可以说,针对任何平台开发游戏的准入门槛将变得更低(多亏Unity和虚幻引擎这些开发工具),显然,2013将会成为游戏行业相当狂热的一年。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,作者:Patrick Miller)

Opinion: What CES 2013 says about the state of the game industry

by Patrick Miller

Game Developer magazine editor Patrick Miller argues how the influx of game-related announcements at this year’s CES hints at a tumultuous — yet exciting — 2013.

This year’s International CES has had more significant game-related announcements in the last 48 hours than the previous two shows have had combined — reminding us that now, more than ever, the game industry isn’t just about the major consoles and console manufacturers.

CES hasn’t really been a destination show for game industry announcements over the past few years. Game-related news that does break there is typically relatively niche stuff related to gaming PC components (new graphics cards), peripherals (third-party input devices and accessories) and more recently, new mobile processors and GPUs meant to drive more graphically-intensive mobile games. Microsoft and Sony are there, but they’re usually focused more on their consumer tech businesses, not games (which they save for E3).

Bring forth the game hardware

This year, however, we’ve seen a wave of major games announcements hit during the pre-show press conferences. Between Nvidia’s Project Shield handheld console, GRID cloud streaming game server, and GeForce Experience optimization software, and Valve’s partnership with Xi3 to develop a PC-based game system for Steam and its living room-friendly Big Picture Mode, this year’s CES has been an unusually notable one for the game industry — and all those announcements happened before the show floor opened Tuesday morning. When you look at the way the press at the show and their audiences are reacting to the news, it’s clear that game hardware manufacturers at CES are getting more buzz and bigger reactions than they have in the few years prior.

Even companies that don’t focus on game-centric products are making sure to at least pay lip service to the importance of playing games on their new gadgets. Games figured into each of Intel’s new product announcements, from its new Atom smartphone processors meant for developing markets (and for playing games), to the chipmaker’s third- and fourth-generation low-power Core series tablet/Ultrabook processors (shown playing Civilization V). When Qualcomm CEO Paul Jacobs wanted to demonstrate the power of the new Snapdragon 800 line, he showed it playing a high-quality 3D game. LG and Vizio are both bringing new HDTVs with built-in Google TV support that includes an OnLive streaming game client.

So what’s the difference?

Now, CES veterans will no doubt notice that these announcements and demos aren’t drastically different from much of the usual fare; we’ve seen new consoles, exciting prototypes, streaming services, and other similar stuff show up at CES in the past. So why is this year different?

I maintain that part of the difference between this year’s CES and the CES of years past is in how we, as industry members, react to these announcements. Before, it was easy to dismiss incremental PC hardware upgrades and specialized input devices as only relevant to a relatively small market segment, ignore would-be console upstarts because we knew they wouldn’t get the developer support needed to attract a significant user base, and continually refer to cloud streaming services as “next year’s trend.” If one of the Big Three wasn’t involved, it probably wasn’t that interesting.

But as we continue to wait for Microsoft and Sony to show us their new systems — and we wait for Nintendo to wow us with the Wii U — we’re getting more and more invested in other games, devices, platforms, and ecosystems that are evolving faster than the current generation of consoles can keep up. Emotionally, we’re getting more and more used to the idea that noteworthy, interesting, entertaining games can be made for platforms besides the major consoles. In other words, we’re interested in these announcements because, as one man put it, our bodies are ready.

Meanwhile, industry powerhouses like Valve, Nvidia, Intel and Qualcomm are discovering that they can start to steal the spotlight, if only by inches, from the major console manufacturers by making every mobile device a potential game console, making streaming services more viable, and developing new consoles entirely.

(Ironically, as CES is becoming more interesting for us, it’s getting less interesting for actual consumer electronics; most of the cool things happening in that industry are increasingly being relegated to company-specific press events by Apple, Google and more recently Microsoft.)

If there’s one takeaway from CES 2013, it’s that the barrier to entry in the hardware game is lower than ever: Processing power only gets cheaper, mobile bandwidth only gets faster and more widespread, specialized components like touchscreens, accelerometers, and GPS receivers only become more readily available, and open source operating systems are more viable. Now consider that, in parallel, the barriers to entry for developing games for any platform are just getting lower (thanks to tools like Unity and Unreal Engine, for example), and it’s pretty clear that 2013 is going to be a pretty crazy year for the industry. (source:gamasutra)

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