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Naughty Dog发展历程
《Drag Racing》发展历程
《Drag Racing》发展历程
《Pocket Planes》开发始末
《Pocket Planes》开发始末


微博侠 数字营销2011年度总结 政务微博元年 2011微博十大事件 美国十大创业孵化器 盘点美国导师型创业孵化器 盘点导师型创业孵化器 TechStars 智能电视大战前夜 竞争型国企 公益型国企 2011央视经济年度人物 Rhianna Pratchett 莱恩娜·普莱契 Zynga与Facebook关系 Zynga盈利危机 2010年手机社交游戏行业分析报告 游戏奖励 主流手机游戏公司运营表现 主流手机游戏公司运营对比数据 创建游戏原型 正反馈现象 易用性设计增强游戏体验 易用性设计 《The Sims Social》社交亮 心理生理学与游戏 Kixeye Storm8 Storm8公司 女性玩家营销策略 休闲游戏的创新性 游戏运营的数据分析 社交游戏分析学常见术语 游戏运营数据解析 iPad风行美国校园 iPad终结传统教科书 游戏平衡性 成长类型及情感元素 鸿蒙国际 云骗钱 2011年政务微博报告 《2011年政务微博报告》 方正产业图谱 方正改制考 通信企业属公益型国企 善用玩家作弊行为 手机游戏传播 每用户平均收入 ARPU值 ARPU 游戏授权三面观 游戏设计所运用的化学原理 iOS应用人性化界面设计原则 硬核游戏 硬核社交游戏 生物测量法研究玩家 全球移动用户 用户研究三部曲 Tagged转型故事 Tagged Instagram火爆的3大原因 全球第四大社交网络Badoo Badoo 2011年最迅猛的20大创业公司 病毒式传播功能支持的游戏设计 病毒式传播功能 美国社交游戏虚拟商品收益 Flipboard改变阅读 盘点10大最难iPhone游戏 移动应用设计7大主流趋势 成功的设计文件十个要点 游戏设计文件 应用内置付费功能 内置付费功能 IAP功能 IAP IAP模式 游戏易用性测试 生理心理游戏评估 游戏化游戏 全美社交游戏规模 美国社交游戏市场 全球平板电脑出货量 Facebook虚拟商品收益 Facebook全球广告营收 Facebook广告营收 失败游戏设计的数宗罪名 休闲游戏设计要点 玩游戏可提高认知能力 玩游戏与认知能力 全球游戏广告 独立开发者提高工作效率的100个要点 Facebook亚洲用户 免费游戏的10种创收模式 人类大脑可下载 2012年最值得期待的20位硅谷企业家 做空中概股的幕后黑手 做空中概股幕后黑手 苹果2013营收 Playfish社交游戏架构

《魔兽争霸》多人模式诞生过程 发表评论(0) 编辑词条



作者:Patrick Wyatt(ArenaNet联合创始人、前暴雪成员)



warcraft(from juegosabiertos)

warcraft(from juegosabiertos)

数个月以来,只有我一个人专门做这个项目的工作,所以开发进展很慢。幸运的是,Ron Millar和Stu Rose等同事抽空帮我完成了项目的设计工作。其他几位美工也在赶其他项目的空档时帮我绘制原型插图。




warcraft header(from gamasutra)

warcraft header(from gamasutra)







成功执行这个策略的典范大概是Valve Software。Gabe Newell拿自己为微软工作挣的钱开发《半条命》,所以在游戏的发行日程上获得很大的主导权——这款游戏的发行商Sierra Entertainment计划只要游戏达到季度收益目标就可以发行了,不管有多匆忙,但开发商坚持游戏的品质达到要求才能发行。更重要的是,Gabe的资金使Valve获得了《半条命》的在线推广权,适逢数字下载正在成为出售游戏的可行策略,所以最终促成该工作室的巨大成功。


我供职的公司——当时名叫Silicon & Synapse,自行筹资开发《魔兽》和另一款叫作《游戏人间》的游戏,后者包含填字和拼字游戏的元素,在机场的书商里可以找到类似的游戏,滞留的旅客会拿它们打发时间。


当然,开发多种游戏类型也有风险,因为如果产品没有满足各类受众的喜好,公司的品牌形象就会受损。今天,暴雪品牌的一个大优势是,玩家闭着眼睛也会买它的产品,因为他们相信这家公司的实力和信誉。如果一家公司既发行低成本的休闲游戏,又开发高投入的AAA游戏,它是很难建立这样的行业威信的。就像Sierra Entertainment,多次挣扎着寻找受众,现在终于崩溃了。

无论如何,开发《游戏人间》是一个错误,因为开发休闲娱乐产品使公司的首席程序员很泄气,所以这个项目最终夭折了。或者,它也可能不是一个错误,因为《魔兽》和《游戏人间》的组合使Davidson & Associates公司看到了希望,当时它是世界上第二大教育软件公司,后来它收购了我们的公司Silicon & Synapse。


Davidson & Associates是由Jan Davidson创立的公司,后来她的丈夫Bob也加入公司。这家公司从事多种教育软件开发,让它成功的游戏是《数字射击》。在这款游戏中,玩家正确回答数学问题后就可以爆破小行星,避免飞船撞毁。这款游戏巧妙地将教育与娱乐相结合,发行之后使公司获奖无数。



在良好的管理和上进的领导下,Davidson & Associates终于将业务扩展到游戏制造(制作和包装零售盒)、游戏经销(将盒子卖给零售商和经销商)和学校的学习教材经销。


所以,阻碍《魔兽》开发的难题因为公司被收购而一下子解决了。有了新东家的慷慨解囊,Silicon & Synapse(收购后更名为暴雪)终于能够专注于自己的游戏,不必迁就其他游戏发行商的最低营利条款。即使在被收购以前,他们就非常努力——在1993年就制作出两款最受欢迎的游戏,因此荣获“年度最佳任天堂游戏开发商”的称号,但没有得到任何版税。





开发过程虽然不可预料,但结果很惊人。因为我们的团队是由电脑游戏迷组成的,所以游戏在开发的过程中始终遵循他们想制作一款玩家想玩、再玩、不停玩的游戏的设想。《魔兽》,我们的第一款IBM PC原创游戏就是那个过程最好(有时候是最坏的)的证明,最终成为游戏的典范之作(至少在当时是这样)。




Ron Millar是一位做过不少设计,负责早期的暴雪游戏设计的美工。他建议,玩家可以建造农舍——就像在游戏《上帝也疯狂》中那样,这些农舍可以定期地刷出基本的生产单位,也就是(人类)农奴和(兽人)奴隶。玩家可以用这些单位采金、伐木和建造,但他们的战斗力不如战士。



在我们开始编写代码以前,Ron陪公司总裁Allen Adham去参加交易展了。在他们离开期间,发生了一件事。这件事为整个《魔兽》系列确定了方向,我称它为“魔兽设计的政变”。

Stu Rose是另一位设计师/美工元老(我想是第六位加入公司的员工)。一天下午他走进我的办公室提出了另一种方案。Stu认为Ron提出的单位生成机制有太多没有解决的执行难题,并且违背了即时策略游戏(RTS)应该给予玩家控制权的原则。








加州理工大学的毕业生Jesse McReynolds已经完成将IPX数据包发送给本地网络的低级网络库的代码。这份代码借鉴了《雷神之锤》的源代码(由id software公司的John Carmack开启)。虽然IPX界面层只有几百条C语言代码,但它是接入网卡驱动的代码的组成部分,那些代码负责将一名玩家的游戏产生的信息发送给另一名玩家。

加州大学的硕士Bob Fitch开发了最初的“粘合界面”,玩家就是通过它产生并加入多人模式的。我的办公室就在Bob的旁边,这样真是方便,因为我们要密切合作,将他的游戏加入或生成逻辑整合到我的事件循环中。





伟大的Walter Bright(“D”语言的创造者)于大约17年前编写了《帝国》,这是一款多人回合制策略游戏,也是出于相同的目的而使用了战争迷雾。一旦地图上的一片区域“被发现”,玩家就能看到这片区域的样子,所以玩家游戏时有一个关键的战略考虑,那就是尽快探索足够范围的地图,以便提早收到敌军的行动警报,这样才能避免让敌人抓住破坏重要建筑或经济活动的机会。

Warcraft-fog-of-war(from gamasutra)

Warcraft-fog-of-war(from gamasutra)









有趣的是,随着《星际争霸》的持久风行(自从发行已经超过14年了,并且仍然有很多玩家),有些AI程序员决定挑战更高级的AI——构建不欺骗的AI。在名为BWAPI的开源工具的帮助下,这些程序员编写了可以往《魔兽》引擎中直接输入指令的代码。程序员让自己的AI们互相竞争,决出赢家。虽然这些BWAPI AI玩家表现不错,但即使是当中最优秀的一个,也会被熟练的人类对手轻易打败。


作为一个开发《魔兽》之前就已经玩过诸多策略游戏的玩家来说,我充分认识到电脑AI的局限性。虽然我与许多电脑AI游戏较量过——大多胜利,偶有失手,但我从来没有被AI的智商吓到。甚至当我用朋友的Atari 800游戏机玩Chris Crawford制作的《苏德战线》时,面对苏军的强大攻势,我也没有惊慌过。那款游戏我一直玩到存那款游戏的磁带不能读取为止。







Dos4GW-crash(from gamasutra)

Dos4GW-crash(from gamasutra)









所以,两位玩家在第一个多人模式的《魔兽》中打了个平手。但同时,它却是游戏团队的重大胜利。在办公室里的其他成员之后玩了多人模式,很快发现它像Blue Sky,也就是Walter White在电脑《绝命毒师》中制作的纯冰毒。一旦人们玩过多人模式的《魔兽》,其他游戏都是浮云了。即使游戏经常崩溃,我们也知道我们做了一件了不起的事。










The Making of Warcraft’s Multiplayer

by Patrick Wyatt

The first-ever multiplayer game of Warcraft was a crushing victory, an abject defeat, and a tie, all at once. Wait, how is that possible? Well, therein lies a tale. This tale grew organically during the writing to include game AI, the economics of the game business, fog of war and more. Read on if you have lots of free time!

After six months of development that started in September 1993, Warcraft: Orcs vs. Humans, the first product in what would eventually become the Warcraft series, was finally turning into a game instead of an extended tech demo.

For several months I was the only full-time employee on the project, which limited the rate of development. I was fortunate to be assisted by other staff members, including Ron Millar, Stu Rose, and others, who did design work on the project. And several artists contributed prototype artwork when they found time in between milestones on other projects.

The team was thinly staffed because the development of Warcraft was self-funded by the company from revenues received for developing titles for game publishers like Interplay and Sunsoft, and the company coffers were not deep.

At that time we were developing four 16-bit console titles: The Lost Vikings 2 (the sequel to our critically-acclaimed but low-selling, side-scrolling “run-and-jump” puzzle game), Blackthorne (a side-scrolling “run-and-jump” game where the lead character gets busy with a shotgun), Justice League Task Force (a Street Fighter clone set in the DC Comics universe), and Death and Return of Superman (a side-scrolling beat ‘em-up based on the DC Universe comic series of the same name).

With the money received for developing these games and other odd jobs the company was able to pay initial development costs.

Game Development Economics

For most of the history of the game industry, independent game development studios — which is to say studios that weren’t owned by a retail game publishing company — usually funded their projects by signing contracts with those publishing companies. Publishers would “advance” money for the development of the project. In addition to advances for development, publishers were responsible for publicity, marketing, manufacturing, retail distribution, customer support and so forth.

Back in the early ’90s, there were many more retail game publishers than exist today, but the increasing cost of game development and especially of game publishing led to massive industry consolidation due to bankruptcies and acquisitions. When you think of a retail game publisher today you’ll probably think of Activision Blizzard, EA, or Ubisoft, instead of the myriad mid-sized companies that existed 20 years ago.

As in all industries, the terms of contracts are drawn up to be heavily in the favor of the people with the money. This is the other golden rule: “he who has the money makes the rules”. While in theory these agreements are structured so that the game developer is rewarded when a game sells well, as in the record and movie industries publishers capture the vast majority of profits, with developers receiving enough money to survive to sign another agreement — if they’re lucky.

When I mentioned “advances” paid by the publisher, the more correct term is “advances against royalties”, where the developer is effectively receiving a forgivable loan to be repaid from royalties for game sales. It sounds great: develop a game; get paid for each copy sold. But the mechanics work out such that the vast majority of game titles never earn enough money to recoup (pay for) the advances. Since development studios often had to give up the rights to their title and sequels, these agreements are often thinly disguised work-for-hire agreements.

To aim for better deal terms, a common strategy employed by development studios was to self-fund an initial game prototype, then use the prototype to “pitch” a development deal to publishers. The longer a developer was able to self-fund game creation the better the eventual contract terms.

Perhaps the best example of this strategy is Valve Software, where Gabe Newell used the wealth he earned at Microsoft to fund the development of Half-Life and thereby gain a measure of control over the launch schedule for the game — releasing the game only when it was a high-quality product instead of rushing it out the door to meet quarterly revenue goals as Sierra Entertainment (the game’s publisher) desired. More importantly, Gabe’s financial wherewithal enabled Valve to obtain ownership of the online distribution rights for Half-Life just as digital downloads were becoming a viable strategy for selling games, and led to that studio’s later — vast — successes.

The downside to self-funding a prototype is the risk that the developer takes in the event that the game project is not signed by a publisher — oftentimes resulting in the death of the studio.

The company I worked for — at that time named Silicon & Synapse — was self-funding Warcraft, along with another project called Games People Play, which would include crossword puzzles, Boggle and similar games found on the shelves at airport bookstores to entertain stranded travelers.

By developing two games that targeted radically different audiences, the company owners hoped to create multiple sources of revenue that would be more economically stable compared to betting all the company’s prospects on the core entertainment market (that is, “hardcore” gamers like you ‘n’ me).

Of course spreading bets across diverse game genres also has risks, inasmuch as a company brand can be diluted by creating products that don’t meet the desires of its audiences. One of the great strengths of the Blizzard brand today is that users will buy its games sight-unseen because they believe in the company’s vision and reputation. That reputation would have been more difficult to establish had the company released both lower-budget casual titles and high-budget triple-A+ games, as did Sierra Entertainment, which is now out of business after repeated struggles to find an audience.

In any event, creating Games People Play turned out to be a misstep because developing a casual entertainment product was so demoralizing for the lead programmer that the project never matured and was later canceled. Or perhaps it wasn’t a mistake, because the combination of Warcraft and Games People Play convinced Davidson & Associates, at that time the second largest educational software company in the world, to purchase Silicon & Synapse.

Our New Overlords

Davidson & Associates, started by Jan Davidson and later joined by her husband Bob, was a diversified educational software company whose growth was predicated on the success of a title named Math Blaster, in which a player answers math problems to blow up incoming asteroids before they destroy the player’s ship. It was a clever conjunction of education and entertainment, and the company reaped massive rewards from its release.

As an educational title, Math Blaster may have had some value when used properly, but I had occasion to see it used in folly. My high school journalism class would write articles for our school newspaper in a computer room shared with the remedial education class; my fellow journalism students and I watched in horror as remedial 12th graders played Math Blaster using calculators.

As asteroids containing expressions like “3 + 5″ and “2 x 3″ approached, those students would rapidly punch the equations into calculators then enter the results to destroy those asteroids. Arguably they were learning something — considering they outsmarted their teachers — but I’m not sure it was the best use of their time given their rapidly approaching entry into the workforce.

With good stewardship and aggressive leadership Davidson & Associates expanded into game manufacturing (creating and packing the retail box), game distribution (shipping boxes to retailers and intermediate distributors), and direct-to-school learning materials distribution.

They saw an opportunity to expand into the entertainment business, but their early efforts at creating entertainment titles internally convinced them that it would make better sense to purchase an experienced game development studio rather than continuing to develop their own games with a staff more knowledgeable about early learning than swords and sorcery.

And so, at a stroke, the cash-flow problems that prevented the growth of the Warcraft development team were solved by the company’s acquisition; with the deep pockets of Davidson backing the effort it was now possible for Silicon & Synapse (renamed Blizzard in the aftermath of the sale) to focus on its own titles instead of pursuing marginally-profitable deals with other game publishers. And they were very marginal — even creating two top-rated games in 1993, which led to the company being named “Nintendo Developer of the Year”, the company didn’t receive any royalties.

With a stack of cash from the acquisition to hire new employees and enable existing staff to jump on board the project, the development of Warcraft accelerated dramatically.

The Design “Process”

The approach to designing and building games at Blizzard during its early years could best be described as “organic”. It was a chaotic process that occurred during formal design meetings but more frequently during impromptu hallway gatherings or over meals.

Some features came from design documents, whereas others were added by individual programmers at whim. Some game art was planned, scheduled, and executed methodically, whereas other work was created late at night because an artist had a great idea or simply wanted to try something different. Other elements were similarly ad-libbed; the story and lore for Warcraft came together only in the last several months prior to launch.

While the process was unpredictable, the results were spectacular. Because the team was composed of computer game fanatics, our games evolved over the course of their development to become something that gamers would want to play and play and play. And Warcraft, our first original game for the IBM PC, exemplified the best (and sometimes the worst) of that process, ultimately resulting in a game that — at least for its day — was exemplary.

How the Warcraft Unit-Creation System Came About

As biologists know, the process of evolution has false starts where entire branches of the evolutionary tree are wiped out, and so it was with our development efforts. Because we didn’t have a spec to measure against, we instead experimented and culled the things that didn’t work. I’d like to say that this was a measured, conscious process in each case, but many times it arose from accidents, arguments, and personality conflicts.

One event I remember in particular was related to the creation of game units. During the early phase of development, units were conjured into existence using “cheat” commands typed into the console because there was no other user interface mechanism to build them. As we considered how best to create units, various ideas were proposed.

Ron Millar, an artist who did much of the ideation and design for early Blizzard games, proposed that players would build farmhouses, and — as in the game Populous — those farms would periodically spawn basic worker units, known as (Human) peasants and (Orc) peons. The player would be able to use those units directly for gold mining, lumber harvesting and building construction, but they wouldn’t be much good as fighters.

Those “peons” not otherwise occupied could be directed by the player to attend military training in barracks, where they’d disappear from the map for a while and eventually emerge as skilled combatants. Other training areas would be used for the creation of more advanced military units like catapult teams and wizards.

The idea was not fully fleshed out” which was one of the common flaws of our design process: the end result of the design process lacked the formality to document how an idea should be implemented. So the idea was kicked around and argued back and forth through the informal design team (that is, most of the company) before we started coding (programming) the implementation.

Before we started working on the code, Ron left to attend a trade show (probably Winter CES — the Consumer Electronics Show), along with Allen Adham, the company’s president. And during their absence an event occurred which set the direction for the entire Warcraft series, an event that I call the “Warcraft design coup”.

Stu Rose, another early artist/designer to join the company (employee number six, I believe), came late one afternoon to my office to make a case for a different approach. Stu felt that the unit creation mechanism Ron proposed had too many as-yet-unsolved implementation complexities, and moreover that it was antithetical to the type of control we should be giving players in a real-time strategy (RTS) game.

In this then-new RTS genre, the demands on players were much greater than in other genres and players’ attention could not be focused in one place for long because of the many competing demands: plan the build/upgrade tree, drive economic activity, create units, place buildings, scout the map, oversee combat and micromanage individual unit skills. In an RTS, the most limited resource is player attention; so adding to the cognitive burden with an indirect unit creation mechanism would add to the attention deficit and increase the game’s difficulty.

To build “grunts”, the basic fighting unit, it would be necessary to corral idle peasants or those working on lower priority tasks to give them training, unnecessarily (in Stu’s view) adding to the game’s difficulty.

I was a ready audience for his proposal, as I had similar (though less well thought-out) concerns and didn’t feel that unit creation was an area where we needed to make bold changes. Dune II, the game from which the design of Warcraft was derived, had a far simpler mechanism for unit creation: just click a button on the user-interface panel of a factory building and the unit would pop out a short time later. It wasn’t novel — the idea was copied from even earlier games — but it just worked.

Stu argued that we should take this approach, and in lieu of more debate just get it done now. So over the next couple of days and late nights, I banged out the game and user interface code necessary to implement unit creation, and the design decision became a fait accompli. By the time Ron and Allen returned, the game was marginally playable in single player mode, excepting that the enemy/computer AI was still months away from being developed.

Warcraft was now an actual game that was simple to play and — more importantly — fun. We never looked back.

The First Multiplayer Game of Warcraft

In June 1994, after 10 months of development, the game engine was nearly ready for multiplayer. It was with a growing sense of excitement that I integrated the code changes that would make it possible to play the first-ever multiplayer game of Warcraft. While I had been busy building the core game logic (event loop, unit-dispatcher, pathfinding, tactical unit-AI, status bar, in-game user-interface, high-level network code) to play, other programmers had been working on related components required to create a multiplayer game.

Jesse McReynolds, a graduate of Caltech, had finished coding a low-level network library to send IPX packets over a local-area network. The code was written based on knowledge gleaned from the source code to Quake, which had been recently open-sourced by John Carmack at id software. While the IPX interface layer was only several hundred lines of C code, it was the portion of the code that interfaced with the network card driver to ensure that messages created on one game client would be sent to the other player.

And Bob Fitch, who was earning his master’s degree from Cal State Fullerton, developed the initial “glue screens” that enabled players to create and join multiplayer games. My office was next to Bob’s, which was mighty convenient, since it was necessary for us to collaborate closely to integrate his game join-or-create logic to my game-event loop.

After incorporating the changes, I compiled the game client and copied it to a network drive while Bob raced back to his office to join the game. In what was a minor miracle, the code we’d written actually worked, and we were able to start playing the very first multiplayer game of Warcraft.

As we started the game I felt a greater sense of excitement than I’d ever known playing any other game. Part of the thrill was in knowing that I had helped to write the code, but even more so were two factors that created a sense of terror: playing against a human opponent instead of a mere computer AI, and more especially, not knowing what he was up to because of the fog of war.

The Fog of War

One of the ideas drawn from earlier games was that of hiding enemy units from sight of the opposing player. A black graphic overlay hid areas of the game map unless a friendly unit explored the area, which is designed to mimic the imperfect information known by a general about enemy operations and troop movements during real battles.

Empire, a multiplayer turn-based strategy game written almost seventeen years before by the brilliant Walter Bright (creator the “D” programming language), used fog of war for that same purpose. Once an area of the map was “discovered” (uncovered) it would remain visible forever afterwards, so an important consideration when playing was to explore enough of the map early in the game so as to receive advance warning of enemy troop movements before their incursions could cause damage to critical infrastructure or economic capability.

The psychological terror created by not knowing what the enemy is doing has been the demise of many generals throughout history, and adding this element to the RTS genre is a great way to add to the excitement (and fear) level. Thank Walter and the folks at Westwood who created Dune II for their savvy!

Computer AI

As many gamers know, computer-controlled “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) players in strategy games are often weak. It’s common for human players to discover exploits that the computer AI is not programmed to defend against that can be used destroy the AI with little difficulty, so computer AI players usually rely upon a numeric troop advantage, positional advantage, or “asymmetric rules” in order to give players a good challenge.

In most Warcraft missions, the enemy computer players are given entire cities and armies to start with when battling human players. Moreover, Warcraft contains several asymmetric rules that make it easier for the AI player to compete, though most players would perhaps call these rules outright cheating.

One rule we created to help the computer AI was to reduce the amount of gold removed from gold mines to prevent them from being mined-out. When a human player’s workers emerge from a gold mine, those workers remove 100 units of ore from the mine and deliver it back to the player’s town hall on each trip, and eventually the gold mine is exhausted by these mining efforts. However, when an AI-controlled worker makes the same trip, the worker only removes eight units of ore from the mine, while still delivering 100 units into the AI treasury.

This asymmetric rule actually makes the game more fun in two respects: it prevents humans from “turtling”, which is to say building an unassailable defense and using their superior strategic skills to overcome the computer AI. Turtling is a doomed strategy against computer AIs, because the human player’s gold mines will run dry long before those of the computer.

Secondarily, when the human player eventually does destroy the computer encampment, there will still be gold left for the player to harvest, which makes the game run faster and is more fun than grinding out a victory with limited resources.

Most players are aware of a more serious violation of the spirit of fair competition: the computer AI cheats because it can see through the fog of war; the AI knows exactly what the player is doing from moment to moment. In practice, this wasn’t a huge advantage for the computer, and merely served to prevent it from appearing completely stupid.

Interestingly, with the long popularity of StarCraft (over 14 years since launch and still played), a group of AI programmers has risen to the challenge of building non-cheating AIs. Aided by a library called BWAPI, these programmers write code that can inject commands directly into the StarCraft engine to play the game. Programmers enter their AIs in competitions with each other to determine the victor. While these BWAPI AI players are good, the best of them are handily beaten by skilled human opponents.

Playing Against a Human

As a person who had played many (many, many) strategy games before developing Warcraft, I was well aware of the limitations of computer AIs of that era. While I had battled against many computer AIs — sometimes losing, many times winning — I was never scared by AI intelligence, even when battling the terrible Russian offensive in the game Eastern Front by Chris Crawford, which I played on a friend’s Atari 800 until eventually the audio cassette tape (!) that contained the game was so old it could no longer be read.

These games were fun, exciting, and most certainly challenging, but not scary. But something changed when I played the first multiplayer game of Warcraft.

The knowledge that I was competing against an able human player — not just in terms of skill and strategy, but also in terms of speed of command — but was prevented from seeing his actions by the fog of war was both electrifying and terrifying. In my entire career I have never felt as excited about a single game as I was during that first experience playing Warcraft, where it was impossible to know whether I was winning or losing.

As a massive adrenaline rush spiked in my bloodstream, I did my best to efficiently harvest gold and lumber, build farms and barracks, develop an offensive capability, explore the map, and — most importantly — crush Bob’s armies before he could do the same to mine.

This was no test-game to verify the functionality of the engine; I know he felt the same desire to claim bragging rights over who won the first-ever multiplayer game of Warcraft. Moreover, when we had played Doom together at Blizzard, I had won some renown because, after a particularly fierce game, Bob had become so angry at me for killing him so frequently with a rocket launcher that he had vowed never to play me again. I knew he’d be looking for payback.

As our armies met in battle, we redoubled our efforts to build more units and threw them into the fray. Once I discovered his encampment and attacked, I felt more hopeful. Bob’s strategy seemed disorganized and it appeared I would be able to crush his forces, but I wanted to leave nothing to chance so I continued at a frenzied pace, attacking his units and buildings wherever I could find them.

And then… crash.

As any programmer knows, the likelihood of new code working properly the first time is close to zero, and so it should be no surprise that the game crashed. The game’s graphics scrolled off the top of the monitor and were replaced with the blocky text of the DOS4GW “crash screen” so familiar to gamers in the era before Windows gaming. Now we have the far more sophisticated Windows Error Reporting dialog, which enables the player to submit the crash report, though occasionally players see the dreaded Blue Screen of Death, which is remarkably similar to those of old.

After the crash, I leaped up from my chair and ran into Bob’s office, yelling “That was awesooooommmme!” immediately followed by “…and I was kicking your ass!” So I was surprised to hear Bob’s immediate rebuttal: to the contrary, he had been destroying me.

It took a few minutes for our jangled nerves to return to normal, but in short order we determined that not only did we have a crash bug but also a game-state synchronization problem, which I termed a “sync bug”: the two computers were showing entirely different battles that, while they started identically, diverged into two entirely different universes.

Someone who hasn’t worked on programming network code might assume that the two Warcraft game clients would send the entire game state back and forth each turn as the game is played. That is, each turn the computers would send the positions and actions for every game unit. In a slow-paced game with only a few board positions, like Chess or Checkers, this would certainly be possible, but in a game like Warcraft, with up to 600 units in action at once, it was impossible to send that volume of information over the network.

We anticipated that many gamers would play Warcraft with 2400 baud modems, which could only transmit a few hundred characters per second. Younger gamers who never used a modem should take the time to read up on the technology, which was little removed from smoke signals, and only slightly more advanced than banging rocks together. Remember, this was before Amazon, Google, and Netflix — we’re talking the dark ages, man.

Having previously “ported” Battle Chess from DOS to Windows, I was familiar with how multiplayer games could communicate using modems. I knew that because of the limited bandwidth available via a modem it would have been impossible to send the entire game state over the network, so my solution was to send only each player’s commands and have both players execute those commands simultaneously.

I knew that this solution would work because computers are great at doing exactly what they’re told. Unfortunately, it turned out that many times we humans who program them are not so good at telling computers exactly the right thing to do, and that is a major source of bugs. When two computers are supposed to be doing the same thing, but disagree because of a bug, well, that’s a problem.

A sync bug arises when the two computers simulating the game each choose different answers to the same question, and from there diverge further and further over time. As in time-travel movies like Back to the Future, small changes made by the time traveler while in the past lead to entirely different futures; so it was that games of Warcraft would similarly diverge. On my computer my Elvish archer would see your Orcish peon and attack, whereas on your computer the peon would fail to notice the attack and wander off to harvest lumber. With no mechanism to discover or rectify these types of disagreements, our two games would soon be entirely different.

So it was that the first game of Warcraft was a draw, but at the same time it was a giant win for the game team — it was hella fun! Other team members in the office played multiplayer soon afterwards and discovered it was like Blue Sky, the pure crystal meth manufactured by Walter White in Breaking Bad. Once people got a taste for multiplayer Warcraft, nothing else was as good. Even with regular game crashes, we knew we were on to something big.

All we needed to do was get the game done.

Tragically, we soon made an even worse discovery: not only did we have numerous sync bugs, but there were also many different causes for those sync bugs. If all the sync bugs were for similar reasons, we could have endeavored to fix the singular root cause. Instead, it turned out there were numerous different types of problems, each of which caused a different type of sync bug, and each which therefore necessitated its own fix.

Why Do Sync Bugs Happen?

When developing Warcraft, I had designed a solution to minimize the amount of data that needed to be transmitted over the network by only sending the commands that each player initiated, like “select unit 5″, “move to 650, 1224″, and “attack unit 53″. Many programmers have independently designed this same system; it’s an obvious solution to the problem of trying to synchronize two computers without sending the entire game state between them every single game turn.

These days, there are probably several patents retroactively trying to claim credit for this approach. Over time, I’ve come to believe that software should not be patentable; most any idea in software is something that a moderately experienced programmer could invent, and the definition of patents requires that patents be non-obvious. ‘Nuff said.

I hadn’t yet implemented a mechanism to verify synchronization between the two computers, so any bug in the game code that caused those computers to make different choices would cause the game to “bifurcate” — that is, split it into two loosely-coupled universes that would continue to communicate but diverge with increasing rapidity over time.

Creating systems designed to detect de-synchronization issues was clearly the next task on my long list of things to do to ship the game!

In For the Long Haul

You know the ending to this story: Warcraft “eventually” shipped only five months later. It seemed an eternity, because we worked so many hours each day, encountered so many obstacles, overcame so many challenges, and created something we cared for so passionately. I’ll continue to explore those remaining months in future blog articles, but so much was packed into that time that it’s impossible to squeeze those recollections into this already too-long post!(source:gamasutra)

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