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《Pocket Planes》开发始末
《Pocket Planes》开发始末


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《Pocket Planes》开发始末 发表评论(0) 编辑词条


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继《迷你大楼》大获成功之后,旧金山工作室通过推出《Pocket Planes》重返社交管理模拟游戏,该作品引起热烈反响,包括口碑和商业成绩两方面。


日前我们有幸同工作室联合创始人Ian Marsh谈论《Pocket Planes》的起源,如何平衡休闲和硬核玩家的需求,以及和双胞胎兄弟共事的感觉。

你们对《Pocket Planes》寄予什么希望?

我们打算通过《Pocket Planes》制作包含更多策略元素和更深玩法(游戏邦注:相比《迷你大楼》而言)的作品,同时保持内容的休闲风格和通俗性。










pocket trains ios from pocketgamer.biz

pocket trains ios from pocketgamer.biz

幸运的是,我们当时制作的多数机制依然能够运用至《Pocket Planes》。





nimblebit from pocketgamer.biz

nimblebit from pocketgamer.biz


《Pocket Planes》非常通俗易懂,这促进扩展玩法,但在玩法难度上依然保持简单。这是否就是你们所追求的东西?





ios nimblebit pocket planes map from pocketgamer.biz

ios nimblebit pocket planes map from pocketgamer.biz




《迷你大楼》和《Pocket Planes》包含类似玩法、IAP整合、美术元素及社交网络功能。二者在用户或用户互动方式上是否存在差异?

《Pocket Planes》的用户规模相对更小,这多半是因为相比《迷你大楼》,这款游戏的吸引力更加有限,虽然《Pocket Planes》玩家每天体验更多回合(游戏邦注:旨在确保自己的所有飞机都处于空中)。

为什么说《Pocket Planes》的吸引力更加有限?


而在《Pocket Planes》,游戏目标则比较模糊,取决于玩家自己。在我看来,《Pocket Planes》主要吸引喜欢让自己迷失在这类鲜有明确目标的沙盒类游戏中的有限用户。



ios nimblebit pocket planes from pocketgamer.biz

ios nimblebit pocket planes from pocketgamer.biz


出于多种原因,相比《迷你大楼》,《Pocket Planes》融入较少分析数据。这些数据并未给我们带来显著价值,因为我们不是基于参数来开发游戏。

最让我们吃惊的是参加Flight Crew竞赛的玩家数量。

你们一直主打iOS平台,但也有在Android平台发行内容。你们是否会在其他平台发行《Pocket Planes》。

和《迷你大楼》类似,未来几个月《Pocket Planes》将通过DeNA的Mobage网络入驻Android平台。








这也是我们目前正在思考的问题!我们通常不会进行过于长远的规划,所以我们将着手构思新游戏,同时制作《Pocket Planes》和《迷你大楼》的更新内容。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,作者:Lee Bradley )

Fasten your seatbelts: The making of Pocket Planes

by Lee Bradley

Following the success of Tiny Tower, San Diego-based NimbleBit returned to the social management sim with the release of Pocket Planes, securing another strong reception, both critically and commercially.

Yet the project could have been very different.

We talk to co-founder Ian Marsh about the Pocket Planes’ origins, balancing the needs of casual and core players, and what it’s like working with your twin brother.

Pocket Gamer: What were your aspirations for Pocket Planes?

Ian Marsh: With Pocket Planes we set out to make a game with much more strategy and deeper gameplay than Tiny Tower while still keeping it relatively casual and approachable.

What lessons did you carried over?

I think the most important thing was the sense of a living breathing world that you’re playing in. We kept the BitBook and added other world events to give a sense of the world carrying on with or without you.

Can you tell us a little about how you settled on your pixel art style?

Before Tiny Tower, we were playing around with the idea of making a restaurant management game and Dave had started mocking it up in a pixel art style.

We ended up loving it so much that we decided we should make a game with many more environments than a single restaurant.

Will all NimbleBit games take this approach going forward?

I think there is a good chance we’ll continue using it as long as it suits the game. I don’t think we’ll let the art style dictate the types of games we make though.

The game was originally about trains not planes. Why did you make that change?

We had developed the train game to a certain point when we realised that staying on tracks was limiting in a few different ways, and also the average person can relate to air travel much more easily than rail travel.

Luckily most of the systems we’d developed up to that point were still able to be utilised in Pocket Planes.

Were there any other significant challenges you had to overcome?

I’d say the biggest challenge by far was making the simulation deep enough to be enjoyable to more ‘core’ gamers while still keeping it simple enough for casual gamers.

You founded NimbleBit with your twin brother. What’s it like working with a family member?

Working with my twin brother is pretty amazing. We have this shared knowledge of all the games we played, books we read, and movies we saw growing up so we can always reference something and know exactly what the other one is talking about.

We’re also able to be brutally honest with each other about our work since we’ve been beating up on each other for almost 30 years now!

Pocket Planes is very accessible, which encourages extended play, but remains fairly untaxing in terms of gameplay difficulty. Was this something you specifically aimed for?

I think the real problem is that the depth is relatively hidden unless you’re looking for it. The game is only as complex as the player makes it for themselves.

We did intend for basic advancement to take little planning for casual play, but for careful planning to be necessary to unlock your airlines true potential.

What elements did you introduce to the game in order to add more depth?

One aspect we changed during beta was preventing the player from upgrading cities to any class. This meant that the player was forced to plan and find the best routes using the best planes rather then upgrading every city on a path to anywhere.

Adding layovers also gave the game much more depth and allowed players to think outside of simple point to point flights.

How long did the development process take and what tools did you use?

I’d estimate around 7-8 months of full-time development, using Photoshop, Xcode, and the Cocos2d framework.

Tiny Tower and Pocket Planes have comparable gameplay, IAP integration, art and social networking features. Are there any differences in terms of the audience, or how players interact with the games?

The audience for Pocket Planes looks to be a bit smaller, which probably boils down to it having slightly narrower appeal than Tiny Tower, although it does seem that Pocket Planes players play more sessions a day, probably to ensure that all their planes are always in the air.

Why do you think Pocket Planes has a narrower appeal?

The goal in Tiny Tower is much more obvious – build higher.

In Pocket Planes, the goals are a bit more nebulous and can be dependent on the player themselves. I think Pocket Planes’ appeals to a narrower audience that likes to lose themselves in these sandbox type games with a little less direction.

How important are the game’s social features?

I think it’s been great for word of mouth, and especially fun for us to see what people are doing with the game.

There’s lots of focus in the industry about metrics and analytics. How closely do you measure these and, more generally, what’s been the most surprising aspect of the audience reaction?

For various reasons, Pocket Planes includes even less analytics than Tiny Tower. We don’t get that much value out of them since our development isn’t metrics-driven.

I think the biggest surprise has been the amount of players taking part in Flight Crew competitions.

You’ve always led on iOS, but have released games on Android. Will you be releasing Pocket Planes on other platforms?

Pocket Planes will be coming to Android in the coming months through DeNA’s Mobage network, similar to Tiny Tower.

Can you reveal how you’ll be updating the game?

Right now we’re working hardest on addressing issues early players are having and improving the experience by clarifying certain aspects and adding a help system to the game.

What issues have players encountered?

There were some rare cases of data loss, and some iCloud syncing issues – all of which where remedied in the following updates.

How many players were affected?

We didn’t see more than a few handfuls of people get affected, and luckily we were able to get a fix out quickly, something like 48 hours I think. It is always a scramble after a launch for one reason or another!

What’s next for NimbleBit?

That’s what we’re trying to figure out now! We never roadmap too far ahead so we’re exploring some ideas for new games while we spend some time working on updates for Pocket Planes and Tiny Tower.(Source:pocketgamer

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